About us



  • 2001-2004 – research work, development and testing of individual courses on axiology, ethnic history, intercultural management, basics of conflict resolution and mediation; creation of multilingual publications “Crimean Cradle”, “Fairy Tale Echo”, “In the Crimean House”, etc., holding “peace camps” for schoolchildren, development of a course concept and program for preschool institutions of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea
  • 2004-2009 – development of program-methodical and educational-methodical complexes of the special course “Culture of Good Neighborhood”, a system of psychological and pedagogical monitoring of the course effectiveness, successful testing of the course programs in 20 preschools, 60 educational institutions of I-III level and 11 universities of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, first certification of the course in 2007, strengthening of work with the parent community
  • The program of course training for classroom teachers (72 hours) was developed on the basis of the “Culture of Good Neighborhood” course at the Crimean VET school, as well as six-day author’s methodological seminars, and later – the program of professional development of teachers of this course, which began in 2012. A coaching team has been formed
  • In 2007-2013, with the support of the OSCE HCNM, the following were developed and published: the UMK for preschools (7 editions), the UMK for primary schools (4 editions in Russian and Ukrainian), and manuscripts of the UMK for middle and high schools (only grade 5 was published)
  • On September 3 and 4, 2013, the course “Culture of Good Neighborhood” was introduced in all 1st and 5th grades of educational institutions of the ARC according to the resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of the ARC and the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the ARC of 22.05.2013. The occupation prevented further development of this process
  • Presentations of the course in the regions of Ukraine. Research and analysis of requests and educational needs in multicultural regions of Ukraine. Holding seven All-Ukrainian meetings on the implementation of the course in Ukraine
  • 3 In 2013, Zakarpattia, Odesa, and Chernivtsi regions joined the adaptation and implementation of the Culture of Good Neighborhood course. In 2014-2015, the city of Kyiv and Kyiv region, as well as Lviv, Kharkiv, and Kherson regions. From 2015-2016 – Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, from 2017 – Zaporizhzhia oblast, from 2018 – Sumy oblast.
  • Due to the occupation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the center for the development of the program and teaching materials for the Culture of Good Neighborhood course moved to Kyiv. Together with regional creative groups, with the support of donors, manuals (parts 1-4) were published for 10 regions of Ukraine. New programs were developed: “I. We. Country” for communication hours in secondary schools, a program for working with parents, and “Culture of Good Neighborhood” as an integrated course for the Secondary School. Programs and manuals have been updated
  • In 2017-2018, the Culture of Good Neighborhood course programs and manuals “Ukrainian Wreath. Transcarpathia”, “Let’s get to know our native land together” and the manual “We study, work and rest together. Transcarpathia” became the winners of the IX and X All-Ukrainian competitions of scientific, educational and methodological works of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine
  • In 2018, in Sumy region, 60 teachers were trained and 1 part of the special course “Culture of Good Neighborhood” was adapted at the expense of the regional budget, which was received through the Prozorro tender procedure. This pilot project made it possible to develop a mechanism for cooperation between a public organization and government agencies in the development of educational initiatives, as well as attracting funds from local budgets
  • A new team of teachers and trainers of the Culture of Good Neighborhood course was formed to teach the methodology of its teaching. At 6-day author’s training seminars, our trainers have trained more than 1300 Culture of Good Neighborhood teachers for preschool and secondary schools in 11 regions of Ukraine and Kyiv. The lists of certified Culture of Good Neighborhood teachers can be found at the CSO code. The course is taught in various forms in more than 800 preschools and secondary schools across the country to more than 20,000 children and adolescents
  • In 2019, Vinnytsia, Poltava, and Mykolaiv regions joined the course testing.
  • The training of 24 teachers from 5 schools and the adaptation and publication of the manual (1 part) for Mykolaiv region in 2019 were funded by the Halytsynivka community budget. A mechanism for cooperation between the community and a non-governmental organization in the provision of educational services was developed.
  • In 2019, we trained 136 teachers from 9 regions and 84 teachers from 12 regions to work with adults under the program “Parents’ meetings in a new way: relevant, interactive, useful”. A collection of methodological recommendations was published for this program.
  • In 2020, we were joined by Volyn, Dnipro, Ivano-Frankivsk, Rivne, Ternopil, Khmelnytsky, and Cherkasy regions. During the year, 233 teachers were trained and 8 manuals were adapted.
  • During the quarantine, we developed a 15-hour professional development course “Online Tools for Teaching the Culture of Good Neighborhood Course”, which has been completed by more than 150 people. A mechanism for providing paid services was developed.
  • In 2021, another 75 trainers of the “Culture of Good Neighborhood” course were successfully certified.
  • We have signed five-year cooperation agreements with 22 postgraduate education institutions to implement the “Culture of Good Neighborhood” course. In 2021, we expect Zhytomyr, Kirovohrad, and Chernihiv regions to join.



Program for preschool education institutions "Ukrainian wreath. Region"

Educational and model programs of the integrated course "Culture of Good Neighborhood: I explore the world" for 14th grade of NUS

Programs of the integrated course "Culture of Good Neighborhood" for grades 5-6 of the NUS (under development, to be implemented as an elective course starting in 2022)

  • Part 1: “Me, My Family and My Neighbors” (can be used in grades 1-5 and in NUS)
  • Part 2: “The place where we live” (grades 2-6 and in NUS)
  • Part 3: “Learning, working and relaxing together” (grades 3-9 and in NUS)
  • Part 4: “Appreciate the Land – Be Proud of Ukraine” (grades 4-9 and in NUS)
  • Part 5: “The many voices of our land” (grades 5 to 10)
  • Part 6: “A Journey into the Past and Future of Our Land” (grades 6 through 11)
  • Part 7: “The Palette of Cultures and Religions” (grades 7-12)
  • Part 8: “The Hospitable Land” (grades 8-12)
  • Part 9: Thriving in Unity (grades 9-12)
  • Part 10: “On the paths of the past and the present” (grades 10-12)
  • Part 11: “Ukrainian mosaic: a wonderful diversity” (grades 11 to 12)
  • Part 12: “Me and Our Land Today and Tomorrow”
  • Part 13: Program for educational hours “I. We. Country” (grades 5-12, colleges, vocational schools, etc.)

Program "Fundamentals of Neighborliness" for universities

Program for adults on responsible parenthood and civic education "Parents' meetings in a new way: relevant, interactive, useful"

Programs for author training seminars and in-service training


more information in the brochure

Про "Культуру добросусідства"

  • «Культура добросусідства» – український освітній продукт, розроблений вітчизняними освітянами і науковцями.
  • «Культура добросусідства» активно підтримується на державному рівні та має міжнародне визнання.
  • «Культура добросусідства» – єдиний наскрізний інтегрований курс в Україні, за яким можна вчитися від чотирьох до  ста чотирьох років!
  • «Культура добросусідства» – це інструмент для розвитку ключових компетентностей освіти впродовж життя.
  • «Культура добросусідства» сприяє широкій соціальній інклюзії вразливих груп населення і попередженню насильницьких конфліктів.
  • «Культура добросусідства» дозволяє включати в загальноукраїнський контекст особливості природного, історичного, культурного та промислового ландшафту регіонів країни.
  • У «Культуру добросусідства» були закладені системний, компетентнісний, інтегрований та особистісно-діяльнісний підходи з акцентом на розвиваючий та виховний аспекти освіти. Тобто те, що сьогодні є одними з основних засад Нової української школи.

Курс «Культура добросусідства» має багаторічну історію, яка розпочалася в Автономній Республіці Крим з дві тисячі третього року.
У період з дві тисячі п’ятого по дві тисячі дев’ятий роки він пройшов апробацію, успішність  якої була підтверджена діагностикою змін у ставленні та поведінці дітей.

З дві тисячі десятого року «Культура добросусідства» стала поширюватися теренами України і Молдови.

Структура програм "Культури добросусідства"

  • Програма для закладів дошкільної освіти “Український віночок. Регіон”.
  • Освітня і модельні програми інтегрованого курсу «Культура добросусідства: я досліджую світ» для 1–4 класів НУШ.
  • Програми інтегрованого курсу «Культура добросусідства» для 5–6 класів НУШ.
  • Програми «Культура добросусідства» як спецкурсу за вибором для ЗЗСО:
    Частина 1
    Частина 2
    Частина 3