Part II Workbooks for children and materials for parents and teachers for the program “The Place Where We Live” of the special course “Culture of Good Neighborhood”

The workbooks for children and materials for parents and teachers for the “The Place Where We Live” program of the special course “Culture of Good Neighborhood” were developed in 2007-2009 and adapted in 2016-2019 as part of the project of the Information and Research Center “Integration and Development”.

The manuals are designed to familiarize students and their parents with their native land, mental, linguistic, religious, ethnic and cultural characteristics of people living in a particular region of the country, to conduct systematic educational work, develop civic education, form social competencies, skills of constructive communication and successful teamwork. The workbook can also be used as a methodological guide and a textbook for organizing students’ work in class, during morning meetings and social hours, in clubs and at home.


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