Educational program of the integrated course “Culture of Good Neighborhood” for grades 1-2 (I cycle) of general secondary education institutions

The Program is based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), the Declaration of Principles on Tolerance (1995), the European Competence Framework for Lifelong Learning (2006, 2018), the Ljubljana Recommendations on the Integration of Diverse Societies (2012), the Council of Europe Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education CM/Rec(2010)7, and the Council of Europe Competence Framework for a Culture of Democracy (2016). In accordance with the goals of primary general education defined in the State Standard, the Program is developed on the basis of a typical educational program developed by the author’s team of the New Ukrainian School project participants under the leadership of R. Shyian (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of 21.03.2018 №268 “On Approval of Typical Educational Programs for Grades 1-2 of General Secondary Education Institutions”) and approved for use programs of the cross-cutting integrated special course «Culture of Good Neighborhood» (letter of the SSIHM of MES of Ukraine No. 22.1/12-G-366 of 15.06.2018).

Program objective – ensuring the harmonious development and education of socially competent, critically thinking and tolerant individuals, citizens and patriots of their homeland who share democratic values and have a responsible attitude towards their native land, community, country and strive to preserve, develop and increase the natural, economic and cultural potential of Ukraine.


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